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Highland Pony

You will always have more chances!


Hidatsa is a grey stallion[1] with dark lower legs and muzzle. His mane and tail are pulled into intricate locks with bright red and white beads.[2]

His body is painted with bright red symbols: a ring around his eye, bands on his back lower legs, and a red moose print on his hip. Although its symbolism varies between Native American tribes and even individuals, red paint commonly symbolizes strength, power, and success in hunting and war. A ring around the eye is believed to enhance a horse's sight and help it foresee danger.[3]


Proud Hidatsu knows that you never run out of second chances. If things don't go right at first, try again: every moment brings new opportunities![1]

Magical Gift

Hidatsu is known to be very lucky and can produce a red glow.[1]



Hidatsa has a special connection with the moose.

The Name Game

"The tribe this steed is based on are located in North Dakota at the headwaters of the Missouri River.

Once united with the Crow Nation (Absaroke), the Hidatsa were a plains tribe who built permanent log dwellings, and who raised crops, primarily corn. During the winter, the Hidatsa lived in tipis when they went on buffalo hunts.

The Hidatsa organized themselves into various societies, such as the Lumpwood, Stone Hammer, Notched Stick, and Dog Society. The Dog Society did everything backward, doing the opposite of what was said. In order to ride bravely into battle, they had to be told to run away! This code of conduct is depicted in the movie Little Big Man. Today the tribe lives on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota."''[4]

Horses were acquired by the Hidatsa around the 18th century and were kept by both men and women. Men used stallions and geldings for hunting and war while women owned foals and mares for riding and carrying burdens. Horses were a sign of wealth and were often used in arranging marriages between families. Many horses being offered to a bride's family was a sign of a family's wealth and their respect towards the bride.[5]

Inspirational Message

Native Lights Icon “You will always have more chances!”

Native Lights Icon “Tu auras tougours une seconde chance!”

Native Lights Icon “Du bekommst immer noch eine weitere Chance!”

Native Lights Icon “Avrai sempre nuove possibilità!”





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Indian Warhorse Paint. Retrieved on May 30, 2021 form https://www.notesfromthefrontier.com/post/indian-warhorse-paint
  4. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Circa. 2019
  5. SECTION 3: MANDAN AND HIDATSA HORSES. Retrieved on May 30, 2021 from https://www.ndstudies.gov/gr8/content/unit-ii-time-transformation-1201-1860/lesson-2-making-living/topic-2-horses-return/section-3-mandan-and-hidatsa-horses

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