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Life is beautiful in so many ways. Open your eyes to them all.


Dane is a warm grey colt with slate grey legs and a black mane and tail. His mane is kept in button braids. He is commonly seen in his uniform - chainmail neck armor and a silver head plate and neck plate. A silver symbol of Herd Valeryk rests on his cheek and a red cape trimmed in chainmail travels down his back and ends at his tail. On his rump he has the Danish Warmblood logo brand.[1]


Dane believes that life is beautiful in many ways and at almost all times. His eyes are always open to find the beautiful things all around him.[2]


Chocolate, Frosty, Thora, and Tinsel

Dane has many siblings! He has two sisters, Thora and Tinsel, and two brothers, Chocolate and Frosty.

Sleetmane and Snowdreamer

Dane's mother is Snowdreamer, and his father is Sleetmane.

The Name Game

The flag that is attached to Dane's neck plate is the Danish flag. The founder of Bella Sara - Gitte Odder Braendgaard - is from Denmark. This may be the inspiration behind Dane's name; this is not confirmed.[3]

Inspirational Message

Royalty Icon “Life is beautiful in so many ways. Open your eyes to them all.”

Royalty Icon “La vie nous émerveille de bien des façons. Ouvre les yeux sur chacune d’entre elles.”

Royalty Icon “La vita è bella in ogni suo aspetto. Apri gli ocche e li vedrai tutti.”




  1. The Danish Warmblood logo and brand. Retrieved February 9, 2021 from https://varmblod.dk/US/NADWA/The%20logo%20brand.aspx
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Denmark. (August 6, 2020). Retrieved August 8, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denmark and Bella Sara. (January 14, 2020). Retrieved August 8, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bella_Sara

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