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Find what you do well and embrace it.


Tinsel has a sienna brown slightly shaggy coat like her father, with voluminous beige hair and fetlocks. She ties it with red and white ribbons. She has chocolate eyes that are framed by huge black lashes and beige around her nose and mouth.


Tinsel enjoys finding and cultivating the things she is good at.[1]


Chocolate, Dane, Frosty, and Thora

Tinsel has many siblings! She has one sister, Thora, and three brothers, Chocolate, Dane, and Frosty.

Fairies and Glowball Pooches

Tinsel can often be found playing with her fairy and glowball pooch friends.

Sleetmane and Snowdreamer

Tinsel's mother is Snowdreamer, and her father is Sleetmane.

The Name Game

Tinsel is a common decoration used at Christmas to decorate Christmas trees. The decoration consists of thin strips of shiny metal foil attached to a long piece of thread. The tinsel is then wrapped in a circular motion around the tree.[2]


Tinsel was featured in Castorland Puzzles.

Inspirational Message

Winter Festival Icon “Find what you do well and embrace it.”

Winter Festival Icon “Любимое дело поможет тебе найти себя.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Tinsel. (May 19, 2020). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinsel

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