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Imagine your wish. Have faith that it will come true.


Sleetmane's build is very much like a Shetland Pony's, with a short stature and shaggy hair. His coat is a deep chocolate brown, while his mane and tail are a very light cream color. Sleetmane’s heavy coat of thick hair protects him from the harsh arctic climate. In his Royalty card, he is covered in snow. He is most often seen with his friends, the Glowball Pooches.


Sleetmane is the perfect example of what a true herd Valeryk member should be like. He is brave, wise, and courageous, but also kind and forgiving. Overall, he makes for a wonderful king.[1]

Magical Gift

Like other “cold” horses, Sleetmane sometimes helps create Arborium, a special type of metal that is half plant, half golden, silvery filigree.[2] [3]



Sleetmane's mate is Snowdreamer Together they rule over Herd Valeryk.

Chocolate, Dane, Frosty, Thora, and Tinsel

Sleetmane has three colts: Dane, Frosty, and Chocolate, and two fillies: Thora and Tinsel.

Glowball Pooches

Sleetmane's closest magical friends are the Glowball Pooches. They are almost always seen together. It is revealed in Amia and the Ice Gems that Sleetmane is an unofficial protector of these pups, and will go out of his way to keep them happy and safe.[2]

Bella Sara Adventures


Sleetmane's favorite food is winterberry.


Sleetmane is featured in Bella Sara Miniatures Series 4.

Inspirational Message

Magical Friends Icon “Imagine your wish. Have faith that it will come true.”

Winter Festival Icon “Představ si své přání. Věř, že se Ti splní.”

Magical Friends Icon “Imagine ton désir le plus cher. Aie confiance et il se réalisera.”

Magical Friends Icon “Stell dir deinen größten Wunsch vor und glaub daran, dass er wahr werden wird.”

Magical Friends Icon “Immagina il tuo desiderio. Credici, e diventerà realtà!”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Credi nei tuoi desideri. Un giorno si realizzeranno.”

Magical Friends Icon “Pode un deseo. Si tienes fe, se hará realidad.”





  1. Brown F., Jakubowski N. (May 4, 2010). Amia and the Ice Gems, Chapters 5-9. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Information Retrieved from Bella Sara Adventures Quests, and Bellapedia Screenshot
  3. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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Magical Friends Icon North American Numbering Seraphia International Numbering Serilda
Royalty Icon Sirocco
Bella's Ball Icon Skipper
Winter Festival Icon Silver
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Skipper
Herds from North of North Icon Nieva

Magical Friends Icon North American Numbering Thunder International Numbering Socorro
Royalty Icon Snowdreamer
Bella's Ball Icon Snowdreamer
Winter Festival Icon Snowdreamer
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Snowdreamer
Herds from North of North Icon Starunna

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