Horses by Herd

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This is a list of all the Herds and Horses in Bella Sara. All horses in those herds can be found on the individual herd pages.

For more information on the herd roles, please see Hierarchy of a Herd.


Legendary Herds

These herds have been around ever since herds were introduced in "Royalty" and feature the Legendary Horses as their patrons/founder.  

Lost Herds

These herds went into hiding after Sigga's banishment in an attempt to stay hidden from Feral, Ivenna, and the rest of the Wolf Riders. The series that these herds are introduced in feature the herd's founder and other members returning from hiding.

Other Herds

These herds are not explicitly mentioned as missing in North of North like the Lost Herds. Herd Elemyn is unable to access the Ice Castle for many years prior to Emma's appearance and their activities are greatly affected by Sigga's banishment, but Elemyn and her herd still appear together without needing to be summoned by Emma.

History of the Herds

"In the early days, soon after she had met Bella and Bello, Sara met a group of 10 foals - the first born to Bella's herd. Sara had already decided that horses were too magnificent to exist in only one place and as the foals grew older, she realized that she could change this.

One day, Sara asked the young horses if they would like to be leaders of great herds, like Bella. They all agreed, so Sara used her magic to raise them into adulthood, giving them the maturity and wisdom to be good leaders. Sara then found a mate for every horse to keep them company, as Bello did for Bella. Finally, she granted each horse a magical gift.

When the horses and their mates were ready to leave, Sara took out a map of North of North and held them choose their new homelands that suited their natures. She kissed each horse on the forehead and told them to go to their new home, have many children and create great herds that would spread throughout North of North and beyond.

And so the horses left Bella's herd and, over time, they founded great herds of their own. Each herd honours one of Sara's special gifts." [1][2]



  1. Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 46) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.