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Kitty & Rainbow Wheebee

Be patient! You will get what you need when you need it most.


Kiowa is a ruddy brown mare with jagged pinkish-purple stripes painted onto her hips, neck, face, and legs. She also has a traditionally decorated harness with blue feathers. Her mane and tail are slightly more brown than her coat.[1]


Kiowa is always patient as she knows that everything she needs will come to her when she really needs it. She is quiet and thoughtful. She also enjoys resting in the shade of the Darkcomb Forest.[1][2]



Kiowa has a special connection with the ant.

The Name Game

“The tribe this steed is based on were located in the great plains of the northern United States. Their language is an “isolate” meaning it shares no roots with other languages. They also practiced the Sun Dance.

The Kiowa were enemies of the Cheyenne and allies of the Apaches and the Comanche. The Kiowa’s way of life ended with the decimation of the Buffalo. They now live in communities in southwestern Oklahoma.

In the present day, Kiowa are known for art and literature. The Kiowa have also developed a written component for their language, which has ensured its survival.”[3]

Inspirational Message

Native Lights Icon “Be patient! You will get what you need when you need it most.”

Native Lights Icon “Patience! Tu obtiendras ce don’t tu as besoin au moment où cela te sera le plus utile.”

Native Lights Icon “Sei geduldig! Du wirst bekommen was Du brauchst, wenn es am dringendsten ist.”

Native Lights Icon “Sii paziente! Otterrai quel che vuoi quando più ne avrai bisogno.”





  1. 1.0 1.1 Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Circa. 2019

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