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Find your own unique voice and let your feelings sing out.


Inuit is a hippocamp, with a dolphin-like tail and fins for ears. She has counter-shading, with cream on her belly and green everywhere else. Her mane is green as well, with yellow feathers tied in. She also has purple stripes painted onto her neck and legs.[1]


Inuit has a unique personality, but she doesn't let her differences bother her; instead, she cherishes her uniqueness. She doesn't mind sharing or embracing her stranger aspects and encourages others to do the same.[2]



Inuit has a special connection to the whale.

The Name Game

"The tribe this steed is based on are located in the arctic regions of North America, Russia, and Greenland. “Inuit” means “the People.”

Inuit people have adapted to the extraordinarily harsh climate in which they live. Their culture is based on hunting, and men are expected to marry as soon as they are able to hunt. They hunt whales, seals, walrus, fish, caribou, polar bears, and seabirds. Every part of the animal is used either to eat, or for raw materials for clothing, and a variety of tools.

Inuit hunt either on the shore or in small light boats called kayaks. They often travel on dog-sleds, and dogs are extremely important to Inuit daily life. Some of the most beautiful and hardy dogs in the world have been bred by the Inuit: Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes among them.

Inuit have faced challenges to their traditional lifestyle in the past hundred years. The exploitation of natural resources in the north has brought the Inuit into contact with the outside world. Many have assimilated, adopting the customs and technology of the outside. However, traditional Inuit families still live and work the way their forebears did."[3]

Inspirational Message

Native Lights Icon “Find your own unique voice and let your feelings sing out.”

Native Lights Icon “Trouve ta propre voix et laisse ton chant exprimer tes sentiments!”

Native Lights Icon “Finde deine eigene Stimme und lass deine Gefühle singen!”

Native Lights Icon “Trova la tua voce interiore, e falle cantare i tuoi sentimenti!”





  1. Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot

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