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Being happy helps your friends feel happy too.


Kitty is a cream-colored mare with white feathering and a rainbow-colored mane and tail. She is rather stocky and has a beige muzzle tipped with pink. She also has blue eyes.

In "Royalty", she a red blanket printed with the Shahazar crest attached to gold chains is draped over her back.

In "Spring Carnival", she wears an elaborate saddle. The saddle itself features a green seat with a blue, puple and pink border and a single white gem surrounded by oval yellow gems. Under the saddle seat is a petaled rim of light blue trimmed in gold decorations with a golden decoration in their centers. Around the back of the saddle is a golden decoration, and the saddle is also decorated with a long purple ribbon tied in a bow on her rump. The saddle also features two large light blue and gold straps around her back and front, decorated with purple tassels. She wears golden rings decorated with a single purple tassel above her knees, and strands of small pearls in her hair. She also wears a swirling golden masquerade mask.

The artist has stated that she was inspired by the bushwoolies from My Little Pony when creating Kitty's image and the image of her magical friends.[1][2]


Kitty is always happy, and her happiness is contagious to all around her.

Magical Gift

Kitty has a talent for music, which explains her position as the minstrel of her herd. She can play a wide variety of instruments, including bongos, tambourine, and mandolin. She is assisted by her rainbow-colored friends, the Rainbow Wheebees.

Kitty also has rainbow magic. She can fly temporarily while the sun is shining by running on rainbows.[3] 


Rainbow Wheebees

Kitty's closest magical friends are the Rainbow Wheebees. They share rainbow magic with Kitty and often assist her in her music.[4]

The Name Game

Kitty is a shortened version of the name "Katherine" and means "pure."[5]

Inspirational Message

Magical Friends Icon“Being happy helps your friends feel happy too.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Když budeš šťastná, budou šťastní i tvoji přátelé.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Když budeš šťastná, budou šťastní i Tvoji přátelé.”

Magical Friends Icon “Quand tu es heureuse, tu aides tes amis à l’être aussi.”

Magical Friends Icon “Wenn du glücklich bist, sind deine Freunde auch glücklich.”

Magical Friends Icon “Essere felici rende più felici anche i nostri amici!”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Essere felice aiuta i tuoi amici a sentirsi felici.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Когда ты счастлива, солнышко: лучи радости могут согреть твоих близких.”





  1. Magical friend 3. (June 17, 2008). Retrieved August 14, 2020 from
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot
  4. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (March 1, 2013). Retrieved August 27, 2020 from
  5. Kitty. Retrieved August 14, 2020 from,Also%20means%20a%20baby%20cat.

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Magical Friends Icon North American Numbering Icehorn International Numbering Kendra
Royalty Icon Kahuna
Spring Carnival Icon Iceking
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Jewel

Magical Friends Icon Kounari
Royalty Icon Kona
Spring Carnival Icon Lien
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Kona

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