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Hope is like magic. It keeps you full of energy.


Iceking is a Percheron-sized winged unicorn stallion with a white body and periwinkle highlights in his mane and tail. He has blue feathering, and his wings are white with blue primary feathers; in some art, his secondary feathers are blue as well. His appearance is inspired by the Irish Cob horse.[1]

In "Bella's Ball", he wears a small icy-blue capelet clasped with a large silver snowflake and decorated with icicles. He also wears painted dark blue swirls on his rump.

In "Spring Carnival", he wears an elaborate armor of dark blue and silver. He wears a mask around his eyes with swirling silver designs, a silver and blue harness decorated in variuos swirling designs and with a light blue cape with darker trim. Around his tail are various blue and silver rings, and he wears dark blue and silver vambraces around his legs.


Iceking, a beautiful flying unicorn. He lives in the high cold country of Mount Whitemantle near Whitemantle Glacier and has great magic. He believes in good and encourages others to do so, too.[2]

Magical Gift

Iceking can fly and use magic. He can make ice melt and water freeze![3] The magic at the end of his horn also gives hope to anyone who touches it.[4]


According to the artist, Iceking wasn't originally intended to release in Northern Lights. However, the creators liked his design so much that they debuted him early![1]


Iceprince, Starfrost. and Toboggan

Iceking has two colts, Toboggan and Iceprince, and one filly, Starfrost.


Iceking's mate is Nyx. Together they have three foals.


Iceking was the first ice-related Bella Sara horse. [5]

Bella Sara Adventures

His favorite food is ice peas.

Inspirational Message

Northern Lights Icon “Hope is like magic. It keeps you full of energy.”
Baby Bella Icon “Hope is like magic. It takes you to exciting places.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Nadéje je jako kouzlo. Díky ní jsi plná energie.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Hoop is als magie. Het houdt je energiek.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “L’espoir est une forme de magie qui te permet de rester pleine d’énergie.”
Baby Bella Icon “L’espoir est une forme de magie : il t’emmènera en des lieux extraordinaires.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Hoffnung ist wie Magie. Sie verleiht dir alle Kraft.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “La speranza è magia. Ti rende pieno di energia.”
Baby Bella Icon “La speranza è come la magia. Ti riempie di energia e forza.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Надежда - это ключ, который вткрыклет двери к счаствью.”

Bella's Ball Icon “La esperanza es como la magia. Te mantiene lleno de energía.”





  1. 1.0 1.1 Ice King. (July 20, 2007). Retrieved August 14, 2020 from
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Information from Spring Carnival Cards 49-50.
  4. From The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  5. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 49

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Northern Lights Icon Froya
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Hecate
Baby Bella Icon Hercules & Hecate
Bella's Ball Icon Hyperion
Spring Carnival Icon Heart
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Hummingbird

Northern Lights Icon Jewel
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Iris
Baby Bella Icon Iceprince
Bella's Ball Icon Jewel
Spring Carnival Icon Kitty
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Inupiat

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