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A wonderful and exciting world awaits you.


Luna has a coat that is such a pale blue that it's almost white. Her hooves are dark bluish-purple, and her eyes are dark.

In her first appearance, Luna has a short bluiesh mane. However, in her "Starlights" design, her mane is long.[1]


Luna sees the world as wonderful and exciting. She enjoys exploring the world and finding new things. Luna seems to embody the sense of wonder and questing curiosity common to arctic explorers.[2]

Magical Gift

Luna kicks up little bits of bright blue flames as she gallops, and is shown galloping through clouds in her original card picture, making her a windwalker.



Luna is friends with Moonlight.

The Name Game

Luna is a name derived directly from the Latin word for "moon."[3]


Luna shares a base with Sheng.

Inspirational Message

Danish Copper Icon “A wonderful and exciting world awaits you.”

Second Series Icon “Un monde merveilleux et fascinant n'attend que toi.”

Starlights Icon “Eine wundervolle und aufregende Welt erwartet dich.”

Second Series Icon “Ti aspetta un mondo fantastico e sorprendente.”

Second Series Icon “Un mundo maravilloso y emocionante te espera.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (September 1, 2011). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from
  3. Luna (name). (July 30, 2020). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from,example%2C%20de%20Luna%20or%20Deluna.

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Danish Copper Icon Lotte
First Series Icon Lucas
Second Series Icon Lucky Light
Starlights Icon Luminos

Danish Copper Icon Minty
First Series Icon Moonlight
Second Series Icon Macon
Starlights Icon Moonlight

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