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Trust the moon and the stars. Then your dreams are coming through.


Moonlight has a pearlescent white coat with an unruly sparkling dusty silver mane and tail. Her eyes are dark, and she leaves a trail of purple glitter behind her when she windwalks.[1]


Moonlight trusts in the magic of the moon and the stars. She has a deep connection with them.[2]

Magical Gift

Moonlight's mane and tail glitter, and she is a windwalker. While flying, she leaves a path of purple sparkles wherever her hooves were in the air.

Promo Info

On top of her regular common card, Moonlight is also an unumbered Promo Card in French and Italian "Second Series" releases. Italian releases also have a foil promo version of her card.

Moonlight's promo could be found in:



Moonlight is close friends with Luna.


Moonlight, Diamond, and Sandy share the same card art in "Bella Silver".

Inspirational Message

Danish Silver Icon “Trust the moon and the stars. Then your dreams are coming through.”

Second Series Icon “Vertrouw op de maan en de sterren. Dan komen je dromen uit.”

Second Series Icon “Fais confiance à la lune et aux étoiles et tes rêves se réaliseront.”
Promo “Fie-toi à la lune et aux étoiles. Ainsi se réaliseront tes rêves.”

Second Series Icon “Mond und Sterne leuchten dir den Weg zur Erfüllung deiner Träume.”
Starlights Icon “Mond und Sterne leuchten dir den Weg zu deinen Träumen.”

Second Series Icon “Con la magia della luna e delle stelle, i tuoi sogni diventeranno realtà.”

Second Series Icon “Confía en la luna y en las estrellas. Tus sueños se harán realidad.”





  1. Gender Confirmed by Bella Sara Magical Horses. (January 23, 2011). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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Danish Silver Icon Misty
First Series Icon Luna
Second Series Icon Misty
Northern Lights IconMjolnir
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Mjolnir
Starlights Icon Luna

Danish Silver Icon Niki
First Series Icon Nanna
Second Series Icon Mushu
Northern Lights Icon Mystery
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Mystery
Starlights Icon Nike

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