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Missouri Fox Trotter

Look for help and you will find it all around you.


Mireldis is a ghostly white mare with a dark muzzle and eyes and flowing white hair decorated with blue beads. Several strands of beaded hair are braided around her neck like a necklace and on her left shoulder is a golden star marking.[1]


Mireldis brews potions under moonlight, with the help of her tassel mouse friends, who collect ingredients for her. Mireldis embraces the help she receives and rewards those who do. She tells those to look around them when seeking help and often they find the answer right under their nose. With the fog from her potions drifting around her, many unsuspecting mortals have incorrectly interpreted her as a ghost or phantom. Some say Mireldis gives potions to those who are weak or injured.

Over the years, Mireldis has become a figure of legend in North of North, and she has even inspired her own song:

Tassel Mouse, Tassel Mouse where do you roam?
I search in the night on a quest far from home.
Tassel Mouse, Tassel Mouse who sent you so far?
The lady so white with the glowing gold star.
Tassel Mouse, Tassel Mouse for what do you search?
I search for a twig to throw in from my perch![2]

Magical Gift

Mireldis can brew elixirs and healing potions in her cauldron.[3]



Mireldis's mate is Bukefalos, and together they have one filly and one colt.

Moonphantom and Moonsprite

Mireldis's foals are Moonsprite and Moonphantom.

Tassel Mice

Mireldis shares a special bond with her magical friends, the Tassel Mice.[4]

Inspirational Message

Magical Friends Icon “Look for help and you will find it all around you.”
Baby Bella Icon “Look for peace and you will find it all around you.”

Magical Chibis Icon “Hledej pomoc a nalezneš ji všude kolem sebe.”

Magical Friends Icon “Cherche de l’aide et tu en trouveras tout autour de toi.”
Baby Bella Icon “Recherche la paix et tu la trouversas tout autour de toi.”

Magical Friends Icon “Wenn du nach Hilfe suchst, wirst du sie überall finden.”
Baby Bella Icon “Wenn du nach Frieden suchst, wirst du ihn überall finden.”

Magical Friends Icon “Cerca aiuto, e lo troverai tutto intorno a te.”
Baby Bella Icon “Cerca la pace, e la troverai intorno a te.”
Moonfairies Icon “Cerca aiuto e lo troverai tutt'intorno a te.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Se cerchi aiuto, lo troverai tutt'intorno a te.”

Spring Carnival Icon “В трудную минуту вспомни о тех, кто рядом! Они протянут тебе руку помоци.”

Magical Friends Icon “Si necesitas ayuda, búscala, estará siempre a tu alrededor.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot
  3. Information Retrieved from Moonsprite Bellapedia Screenshot
  4. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (March 5, 2013.) Retrieved August 27, 2020 from https://www.facebook.com/113038148761850/photos/a.113076728757992/466161410116187

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