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Pelagos & Nacreleon

Let your guard down and be open to the wonder of life.


Pawnee is a sand-colored horse with a black mane and tail. Their tail is wrapped in leather bands, and across their body they have markings that resemble an armadillo's plates.


Pawnee enjoys relaxing and enjoying all of life's wonders.[1]



Many years ago, Bella and Sara traveled across the Auroborus to Earth and met The People of North America. When Sara returned to North of North, Pawnee was the first horse to receive a name based off of the tribes. Their markings reminded Sara of the Pawnee tribe's stories of armadillos, and so the name Pawnee was chosen.[2]


When Sara gave Pawnee their special name, a family of armadillo appeared by the horse's side as their animal guide.[2]

The Name Game

“The tribe this steed is based on are located near Northern Oklahoma. They call themselves Chahiksichahiks, meaning “Men of Men.”

The Pawnee lived in permanent dwellings of sticks, reeds and brush covered with earth called lodges. The Pawnee were monotheists, believing in one creator of all things. Pawnee warriors were known for endurance, courage, loyalty and respect for authority. The Pawnee practiced the Ghost Dance after that religion was introduced to them, in an effort to contact the spirits of deceased medicine men in order to recreate rituals that had been lost.

During the Indian Wars the Pawnee were employed as scouts by the U.S.  They had frequently warred against the Sioux, and this history of conflict was exploited. The animosity between the Sioux and the Pawnee was dramatized in the movie Dancing With Wolves. Many contemporary Pawnee objected to the film’s characterization of their ancestors as being hostile and cruel.”[3]

Inspirational Message

Native Lights Icon “Let your guard down and be open to the wonder of life.”

Native Lights Icon “Abaisse ta garde un instant et ouvre-toi aux merveilles de ce monde.”

Native Lights Icon “Bau keine Mauern, sondern sei offen für die Wunder des Lebens.”

Native Lights Icon “Trova fiducia nel miracolo della vita.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  3. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Circa. 2019

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