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Tigrine & Duskpaw Cub


Take the time you need to get to your goal.


Tlingit is a hippocamp. She has a pearlescent blue and purple body, with black and white striped fins that are similar to lionfish's fins on her back, tail, and hooves. She also has a light blue mane, striped hooves, and golden stripes on her back.[1]


Tlingit isn't afraid to take her time and do things at her own pace.

Magical Gift

Tlingit is one of the fastest swimmers in the world of North of North.[1]



Tlingit has a special connection to the turtle. The turtle is her close friend, and they love to swim together. Her friend has also taught her patience.[1][2]

Digital Content

Tlingit and her animal friend were accompanied by a digital story, called "Turtle's Story". The story was available to buy from the Bazaar Tent on the website.

The Name Game

"The tribe this steed is based on are located in the temperate rainforests of the southeastern Alaskan coast. The culture of the Tlingit is varied and complex. Historically they lived in a land of unparalleled abundance and this provided them the leisure time to create beautiful works of art in painting, carving, textiles and pottery, elaborate totem poles and masks. Tlingit have a saying: “when the tide goes out, the table is set.” This refers to the abundance of shellfish to be had on the beaches of the Pacific Northwest coastline. They also hunted salmon and seal.

The Tlingit culture is organized around clans and houses, each with their own chief. There is no central authority. Society was matrilineal, and men went to live with their wife’s extended families. Children were trained and disciplined by their mother’s brother-rather than their fathers.

Tlingit practiced the potlatch, which is a community gathering with feasting, dancing, music, stories, games and ceremony. The Tlingit built sturdy permanent longhouse dwellings out of the abundant cedar wood to be found in the Pacific Northwest. Today, because of the unique nature of the State of Alaska’s relationship with the Native American peoples living inside its borders, the Tlingit have no reservation, but rather exist as a tribal corporation."[3]

Inspirational Message

Native Lights Icon “Take the time you need to get to your goal.”

Herds from North of North Icon “Chceš-li dosáhnout svého cíle, nepospíchej.”

Native Lights Icon “Prends ton temps pour atteindre ton but.”

Native Lights Icon “Nimm dir genug Zeit, um dein Ziel zu erreichen.”

Native Lights Icon “Usa tutto il tempo di cui hai bisogno per raggiungere i tuoi scopi.”





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot

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