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I love your company. Let's have a good time together.


Walter is a tan steed with swirling black markings near his hooves. His mane and tail are white and black striped, and his mane is kept short with bangs.[1]


Walter is sweet, calm, and honest. This gentle horse is happy in sunny meadows and quiet glens. When Walter likes someone, he lets them know… and he likes everyone![2]

The Name Game

The name Walter is a German name meaning "ruler of the army."[3]

Inspirational Message

Danish Silver Icon “I appreciate your company, let us have a nice time.”
First Series Icon “I love your company. Let's have a good time together.”

Second Series Icon “Ik hou van je gezelschap. Laten we samen een fijne tijd hebben.”

Second Series Icon “J’apprécie beaucoup ta compagnie. Amusons-nous ensemble.”

Second Series Icon “Ich bin gerne mit dir zusammen. Lass' uns die Zeit genießen.”

Second Series Icon “E' bello stare in tua compagnia. Insieme stiamo veramente bene.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. From Bella Sara Miniatures Series 1
  3. Walter. Retrieved August 17, 2020 from,%22%20and%20hari%20%22army%22.&text=A%20famous%20bearer%20of%20the,Raleigh%20(1552%2D1618).

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