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Virstan & Malachite Crab

Waterpearl & Waterpearl Tadpole

Look for new things to learn no matter where you are.


Wasco is a light grey stallion with a darker gray mane and tail. He has a white stripe and coronets on his left legs. He has red swirls painted on his shoulder, and lines under his eyes. He wears two pink feathers in his mane.[1][2]


Wasco is always open to learning new things and is always asking questions and trying to learn from everyone he can. He is very curious and enjoys looking for new experiences, especiaally around the Fastalon River.[1]



Wasco has a special connection to the wolf.

The Name Game

"The tribe this steed is based on were located near the Columbia River Basin in the Pacific Northwest. They spoke the Chinookan language.

Wasco people lived on the south bank of the Columbia River near the present-day city of The Dalles, Oregon. The Wishram lived on the north bank, and these two people are sometimes considered one and referred to as the Wasco-Wishram. The Wasco-Wishram dwelled between the Plateau and Northwest Coast cultural areas. They spoke the same language.

In spring the Wasco women harvested roots for the Root Feast, a ceremony held in honor and gratitude to the Creator for the reemergence of life after the winter season. They were important middlemen in a vast trade network. From the east they received skins and the customs of the Great Plains tribes, from the west seafood and shells, and they traded with peoples from the north. Salmon was the staple item of trade and their main food source, and were available in abundant quantities in the Columbia River.

The Wasco-Wishram lived in villages each with its own leaders. The winter village was near the river and permanent and their main food source, and were available in abundant quantities in the Columbia River. The Wasco-Wishram lived in villages each with its own leaders. The winter village was near the river and permanent or semi-permanent in nature, with the houses constructed of cedar planks. In the summer they moved from camp to camp fishing, hunting, gathering berries, and digging roots."[3]

Inspirational Message

Native Lights Icon “Look for new things to learn no matter where you are.”

Native Lights Icon “Cherche tougours à apprendre, où que tu sois.”

Native Lights Icon “Du kannst überall etwas zum Lernen entdecken.”

Native Lights Icon “Non importa dove sei, cerca sempre nuove cose da scoprire.”





  1. 1.0 1.1 Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot

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