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Feel the beauty inside you and let it blossom


Iduna is a buckskin mare with a black mane and tail. She wears a flower crown on her head, and a golden laced decoration banded around her tail. She also wears a golden laced necklace with a green diamond at the end. In "Baby Bella", this necklace is colored black instead.[1]


"Iduna believes that beauty and tranquility live inside everyone. However, sometimes those qualities are very small and need care and nurturing."[2] Her favorite season is spring. [3]

The Name Game

In Norse mythology, Iduna, or Iðunn, is the goddess of youth who grants the other Norse gods eternal youth with her apples. When she was kidnapped by Loki in the Prose Edda, the other gods grew old and grey without her.[4]



Iduna's mate is Mjolnir.

Snowflake and Wodan

Iduna and Mjolnir have two foals: a colt, Wodan, and a filly, Snowflake.

Inspirational Message

Northern Lights Icon “Feel the beauty inside you and let it blossom.”
Baby Bella Icon “You have a generous heart. Let it blossom.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Voel de schoonheid van binnen en laat het bloeien.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Ressens la beauté qui t’habite et laisse-la s’épanouir.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Erkenne deine schönen Seiten und entfalte sie.”
Baby Bella Icon “Du hast ein großzügiges Herz. Lass es sich entfalten!”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Senti la bellezza dentro te, e lascia che fiorisca.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (February 12, 2012). Retrieved on August 2, 2020, from
  3. From The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  4. Iðunn. (June 7, 2020). Retrieved on August 2, 2020, from

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Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Hestia
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Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Juno
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