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Join me and we will be happy together.


Saga is a midnight blue stallion, with a dark purple mane and tail. He is followed by three fairies who appear to be his friends.[1][2]


Saga loves to make new friends and brings happiness to everyone, wherever he goes. He also loves listening to storytellers, especially tales of brave horses.[1]

Promo Info

On top of his regular common card, Saga is also an unnumbered Promo Card in French and Italian "Second Series" releases. Italian releases also have a foil promo version of his card.

Saga's promo could be found in:



Saga has three pixie friends, one yellow, one blue, and one green. They enjoy racing beside Saga as they gallop across the field.

The Name Game

Sagas are prose stories and histories composed in Iceland and other areas of Scandinavia. These sagas originated in the Middle Ages, and were written primarily in Old Norse and Icelandic. The most famous genre of saga is the Íslendingasögur, which features Vikings, voyages, migration, and feuds.[4]


Saga, Sunny, and Flame share the same recolored artwork in their original series.

Inspirational Message

Danish Silver Icon “Join me and I will make you happy.”
First Series Icon “Join me and we will be happy together.”

Second Series Icon “Rejoins-moi et nous serons heureux ensemble.”

Second Series Icon “Begleite mich und wir finden gemeinsam das Glück.”

Second Series Icon “Unisciti a me, e saremo felici insieme.”





  1. 1.0 1.1 Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  4. Saga. (May 18, 2020). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from

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Danish Silver Icon Rainbow
First Series Icon Rose
Second Series Icon Rose
Northern Lights Icon Rimfaxe
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Rimfaxe

Danish Silver Icon Sandy
First Series Icon Santos
Second Series Icon Santos
Northern Lights Icon Skipper
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Selene

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