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It's easier to let go of your fear if you know where it came from.


This little gal has her mother’s looks and coloring but has her father’s wings, though the feathers gradually change colors from the mother’s blue hue to her father’s white at the tips, with a pinkish tint. She’s exceptionally small – standing between the two pillars of her father’s forelegs. She has just a hint of a growing horn.[1]


Starfrost is still a bit timid, scared to venture from her father’s protective side.[2] Starfrost is also a knowledgeable filly who always behaves. She encourages others to do let go of their fears and is able to help them see where those fears originate.

Magical Gift

Starfrost is a pegasus, so she is, of course, able to fly. Her horn is also able to produce a small amount of white light.


Iceking and Nyx

Starfrost's parents are Nyx and Iceking.

Iceprince and Toboggan

Starfrost has two siblings, Iceprince and Toboggan.

Inspirational Message

Baby Bella Icon “It's easier to let go of your fear if you know where it came from.”

Baby Bella Icon “Il est plus facile de te débarrasser de ta peur quand tu sais d’où elle vient.”

Baby Bella Icon “Es ist leichter, die Angst loszulassen, wenn du weißt, woher sie kommt.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot

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