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Tricksy & Cunning Flitkit

Do funny things that make you giggle.


Toboggan is a midnight blue unicorn quite resembling his sister Starfrost, except without wings. He closely resembles his mother, with his blue hide and no wings. He has his father’s horn: large and strong, in midnight blue.


This little rascal is the youngest and most adventurous of the foals with many of the carefree attributes often found in young siblings. Toboggan lives for freedom and fun and is always encouraging his brother and sister to stop being so "stuck to the rules" and enjoy sliding on lakes or prancing in the snow.[1][2]

Magical Gift

A contrail of aurora energy trails off the tip of Toboggan's horn.


Iceking and Nyx

Toboggan's parents are Nyx and Iceking.

Iceprince and Starfrost

Toboggan has two siblings, Iceprince and Starfrost.

The Name Game

A toboggan is a long, light, narrow vehicle, typically on runners, used for sliding downhill over snow or ice. It is often used as a traditional form of transport by the Innu and Cree in northern Canada. In modern times it is often used for recreation. There are also versions of toboggans that are also used to slide down steep sand dunes.[3]

Inspirational Message

Baby Bella Icon “Do funny things that make you giggle.”

Baby Bella Icon “Fais des choses amusantes et qui te font rire.”

Baby Bella Icon “Mach lustige Sachen, die dich zum Lachen bringen!”




  1. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Toboggan. (February 21, 2020). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from

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