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Become the person you want to be. You will find joy along the way.


Bellissa is a white filly with a gray heart spot on her side, a black muzzle, and black hind leg socks. A pretty white bow secures her white tail.


Although she is just a filly, Bellissa knows who she wants to be. Even if who she is may not be what others expect, Bellissa finds great joy in pursuing her true self.[1]

Magical Gift

Bellissa's mane and tail seem to eternally sparkle with some kind of magic.


Bella and Bello

Bellissa's parents are Bella, High Queen of all of North of North, and Bello, King of Herd Bellasara.


Bellissa has one older brother, Bellisimo.[2]

Magical Friends

When Bellissa was born, a number of magical friends celebrated her arrival and brought her gifts.[2]

The Name Game

Bellissa most likely comes from the word "bellisima," which is used to describe the most beautiful subject, usually in the female form, in Italian.[3]


Bellissa was introduced first as an online exclusive horse at in celebration of "Baby Bella". She received a stable code and was in promotional information, but she did not receive any card art of her own until "The Best of Bella Sara". In this series, her card states she originated from "Royalty" although no official card of her was released in said series.[2]

Inspirational Message

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Become the person you want to be. You will find joy along the way.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Staň se tím, kým chceš být. Cestou hledej a rozdávej radost.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Deviens celle que tu veux être. Tu découvriras la joie le long du chemin.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Sii la persona che vuoi essere. Troverai gioia lungo questo cammino.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon "Stań się tym, kim zaqsze pragnęłaś być. Zobacz, jaką radość ci to przyniesie!"





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Bella had a little girl! (December 12, 2008). Retrieved August 6, 2020 from
  3. Belissima. (June 10, 2019). Retrieved August 6, 2020 from

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The Best of Bella Sara Icon Bellisimo
Foals and Foals 2017 Icon Bellisimo

The Best of Bella Sara Icon Bello & Bella
Foals and Foals 2017 Icon Briar

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