Unnamed Horses

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These are horses that show up on cards and in other media, but are never named. They are listed alphabetically according to the card on which they appear.[1]

Danish Silver

  • Coco - A bay foal is seen playing with Coco.
  • Rainbow - A light blue winged unicorn foal lies next to Rainbow.
  • Sugar - A teal pegasus foal is standing next to Sugar.
  • Twins - Neither of the twins are referred to by name.

Danish Gold

  • Nikita - A dun foal is standing next to Nikita.
  • Trudy - Trudy is playing with a bay foal

Danish Copper

  • Artemis - A centauress is standing behind Artemis
  • Friends Forever - Neither of the friends are named.
  • Sunshine - Only one of the horses is named.
  • Sweety - Sweety is nuzzling a buckskin foal.

Danish Wise Warriors

  • Louie - The grey horse nuzzling Louie is unnamed.

Northern Lights

  • Rauni - The horse on the right is unnamed.

Ancient Lights

  • Demeter - The black foal next to Demeter is unnamed.
  • Flora - Behind Flora a palomino, a grey, and a skewbald foal are seen.

Baby Bella

  • Alexander - Two dark bays, a light bay, and a grey horse are seen in front of Alexander.
  • Barleycorn - A grey and two bay horses are seen in front of Barleycorn.
  • Charlemagne - Three bay foals are standing behind Charlemagne.
  • Farfalla - A pink, two green, and a white foal a playing around Farfalla.
  • Komenos - A cremello foal is standing behind Komenos.
  • Larena - A grey pegasus foal is playing above Larena. Four more foals can be seen in the distant background.
  • Mariannis - Two hippocamp foals are playing behind Mariannis.
  • Reif - None of Reif's four foals are named.
  • Bella - A dun pegasus, a leopard appaloosa, and a pangaré foal are running around Bella.
  • Fiona - A purple overo pegasus, a dun piebald, and a black foal are standing around Fiona.
  • Jewel - A dapple gray, a liver chestnut, and a black foal are plaring around Jewel.
  • Thunder - A green and a dun foal a hiding behind Thunder.

Summer Camp

Winter Festival

  • Herd Elemyn - Six horses are seen behind Elemyn: A black unicorn, a dark blue water horse, an iridescent horse, a black horse, a glowing navy blue horse, and an orange fire pegasus.

Best of Bella Sara

  • Bellissa - Three fairy horses are flying around Bellissa: A white, a palomino, and a flaxen chestnut.

Unreleased Horses

  • The horse friend of the Tufted Trollbucks was never officially released, and is thus unnamed.


  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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