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Bella Sara desktop wallpapers were available on the Classic Bella Sara Website between 2006 and 2012. The wallpapers feature high-quality artwork of various horses and scenes throughout the series.[1][2]


Bella Sara desktop wallpapers are 1600 x 1200 images ranging in file size from 253.2 KB to 1.7 MB. The wallpapers were found under the "Activities" section on Bellasara.com. 


The following desktop wallpapers were released: 

First Series (2006)

First Series Icon Bella
First Series Icon Bello
First Series Icon Fiona
First Series Icon Jewel

Ancient Lights (2007)

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Athena
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Aurora
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Flora
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Nike
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Notos

Native Lights (2008)

Native Lights Icon Bella
Native Lights Icon Chumash
Native Lights Icon Lakota
Native Lights Icon Navajo

Magical Friends (2008)

Magical Friends Icon Anemone
Magical Friends Icon Bella
Magical Friends Icon Beran
Magical Friends Icon Ondine

Baby Bella (2008)

Baby Bella Icon Bellisimo
Baby Bella Icon Bello & Bella
Baby Bella Icon Beran & Rosebriar
Baby Bella Icon Janie

Treasures (2009)

Treasures Icon Bella
Treasures Icon Empress
Treasures Icon Jewel
Treasures Icon Mahina

Royalty (2009)

Royalty Icon Anemone
Royalty Icon Bella
Royalty Icon Honora
Royalty Icon Sara

Bella's Ball (2009)

Bella's Ball Icon Athena
Bella's Ball Icon Bella 
Bella's Ball Icon Fiona
Bella's Ball Icon Fireworks
Bella's Ball Icon Seraphia

Sunflowers (2010)

Sunflowers Icon Bella & Sara
Sunflowers Icon Emma & Wings
Sunflowers Icon Flora
Sunflowers Icon Sunflower

Moonfairies (2010)

Moonfairies Icon Bella & Sara
Moonfairies Icon Emma & Wings
Moonfairies Icon Lillova
Moonfairies Icon Maypop

Starlights (2010)

Starlights Icon Angel
Starlights Icon Aurora
Starlights Icon Bella
Starlights Icon Boreas

Spring Carnival (2011) [3]

Spring Carnival Icon Bella & Sara
Spring Carnival Icon Emma & Wings
Spring Carnival Icon Kitty
Spring Carnival Icon Carousel Fiona

Summer Camp (2011) [4]

Summer Camp Icon Campfire Story
Summer Camp Icon River Spirit
Summer Camp Icon Spirits & Ivenna
Summer Camp Icon Wild Ride

Winter Festival (2011)

Winter Festival Icon Drasilmare
Winter Festival Icon Frostbite
Winter Festival Icon Herd Elemyn
Winter Festival Icon Fields of Snow

Best of Bella Sara (2012)

The Best of Bella Sara Icon Athena & Flora
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Bello & Bella
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Mireldis
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Thunder

Herds of North of North (2012)

Herds from North of North Icon Andromeda
Herds from North of North Icon Elemyn
Herds from North of North Icon Parthamane Castle
Herds from North of North Icon Petalhome


  1. Info found in this Promo Image
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Activities. (April 20, 2011). Retrieved on August 18, 2020, from https://web.archive.org/web/20110420011928/http://www.bellasara.com/activities.aspx
  4. Activities. (July 30, 2012). Retrieved on August 18, 2020, from https://web.archive.org/web/20110730081350/http://www.bellasara.com/activities.aspx